Vinnichane the Latvian experience will learn to develop agriculture in accordance with EU standards (+ photos)

To establish direct contacts and to discuss possible cooperation with the regional authorities, advisory services and researchers visited the Vinnitsa region experts "Latvian rural center of consultations and education" . SALTcially attention during the meeting of foreign guests and colleagues the land was given to the adaptation process on legislation in the agricultural sector with the introduction of EU standards. Working visit Latvian experts in the Vinnitsa region was part of the new project in cooperation with the Republic of Ukraine to assist in creating a single SISthemes agricultural advice (extension) in Ukraine on the basis of EU law by using Latvian experience. During the business meeting, Deputy Director of the Agricultural Development Regional Administration Vasyl Temchenko, presented the Latvian delegation agriculture Vinnitsa region. "In the profilethe area has more than 60,000 employees, operates more than 3 thousand business entities that use more than 2 million hectares of farmland. AIC region has outstanding export potential. Foodstuffs Vinnitsa region are exported to over 100 countries. In agriculture created favorable investment climate. InLast year, the development of agriculture invested more than 1.51 billion. The priority of the current year and for the future is the development of cooperatives in rural areas. In 2015, using technical assistance will be created five "- said Vasily Temchenko. In turn, Latvian experts zauvazhyly that their country also went through the creation of cooperatives, to resolve the question of the relationship producer - buyer. For small agricultural enterprises (80% - 10 ha) owned 50-60 years and do not aim to develop further problem for the Republic were also overdue and the question of opening new markets. "The European Union, and pazom him and Euromarket dictate new terms of business. And the most important of them - quality. That quality of raw materials, and therefore - and finished products opened a window to Europe. And now in Asia, which every year becomes more powerful segment of both production and consumption in the global market "- said the chairman of the Latvian center of the villagex consultation and education Tsymermenys Martins. He added that the main task Center, which has 470 advisors across the country, aims at counseling and training that will stimulate the development of agriculture, and more. This will make it possible to create jobs and stop the young people who leave the village. By the way, underProject implementation three groups of experts from among persons connected with the extension, Vinnytsia and Chernihiv regions pereymatymut agricultural consulting experience (extension) on the basis of the EU legislation on the example of Latvia. By the end of 2015, Ukrainian delegation will be trained in Latvia in the following areass as the quality of milk, veterinary medicine, development of cooperation in agriculture, rural tourism and forest management and wood processing. Reference: Partner of the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine - " Latvian rural center of consultations and education " in collaboration with the Ministry forForeign Affairs LR, LR Ministry of Agriculture and the Embassy of Latvia in Ukraine launches a new project of cooperation with Ukraine in order to promote a unified system of agricultural advice (extension) in Ukraine on the basis of EU law by using Latvian experience. This was reported in Winnieversities RSA
