In one place a police patrol in the winery claims 34
persons in Vinnitsa deadline for submission of application form a new patrol police. Within three weeks registered 8850 wanting to serve in the new law enforcement structure. Of these, 66.6% gave the questionnaire online. This was announced by the acting head of the interior Ukraineus in Vinnytsia region Sergey Krymchuk. According to him, most wanting, and this is 67%, the new minister of police - are men. 56.5% of candidates to serve in the police patrol with higher education. Of the total 7.9% of applications filed active police officers. It is expected that in early 2016 the street winery come out 260 patrolpolice. The competition for one place in the winery's new police is 34 persons. The next stage of selection, which is waiting for candidates - testing for overall development. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: