Chernigov: Up to

National Librarian Day Celebrations on the occasion of the National Librarian Day that will be celebrated on September 30, took place in the city library named Kotsiubynsky. With professional librarians holiday Chernihiv regional center welcomed Mayor Alexander Sokolov, Head of Culture of the City Council Yuri Tkach, representativestives Union of Culture Ivan Burenko. The mayor called positive preservation and development of the library network Chernihiv, because libraries are associated not only with books, but is a powerful information centers where one can get the necessary information to find a circle of associates. "We must continue to maintain high standards wouldibliotek Chernihiv, implement best practices colleagues, "- said O.Sokolov. Yu.Tkach called librarians Chernihiv vanguard workers of culture of the city, because they are willing to work to implement new approaches and modern techniques. The guests presented the best workers of Chernihiv library system certificates of honor and thanks. Employees bibliotEka name Kotsyubinskogo presented their achievements, especially for working with different groups of visitors. There have been summed up competition "Fair of innovative ideas library - 2015". Irina Synelnyk
