In the Zhytomyr region in Korostyshiv police detained a suspect in pedophilia

September 26 operatives of the Criminal Investigation arrested 25-year resident of the city. Korostyshiv on suspicion of attempting the violent, sexual 11-year-old child. A man was taken into custody. September 18 to the police department received a report that uat a local park known about 15.30 forcibly tried to satisfy the sexual passion of minors. In time the situation intervened random passers-by, who, fortunately, are in a place unfrequented park and moon fled, leaving the girl. Law enforcers were drawn sketch of the unknown and a series of search operations etc.To establish his identity and detention. September 26 detained a youngster. He was a local, homeless, born in 1990. Today announced the man suspected of a criminal offense under Part. 3. 15 (Attempted crime), p. 3. 153 (forcible sexual insults chpersons) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Such actions are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 10 to 15 years. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
