In Zhytomyr social and psychological support ATO members and their families during the year
social service centers for families, children and youth of the region provided over 5,000 social and psychological services discharged ATO members and their families, families of wounded and victims. With the assistance of social services for family, etc.iteuil youth field and 715 soldiers were psychological support, 760 - financial and humanitarian assistance, 48 - employed 2 - continued training. 522 families of child participants ATO ozdorovylys in children's camps, 16 - were placed in children's academic and extracurricular facilities. To social and psychological support to participantsin the ATO and their families was even more effective and efficient, the regional center of social services for families, children and youth held a workshop for directors of city and district social service centers, held at the Centre for Social Assistance ATO members and their families - specialized formation of Zhytomyr city social service centers. The main objective Centpy social assistance - to support the ATO members and their families, according to the needs of each to provide psychological, legal, informational, social and educational aid, assist in obtaining quality medical care and comprehensive support in addressing the social, material and domestic issues . In particular, the Center provided qualifiedLegal advice on the design of social benefits and issuance combatants. Here you can learn about all matters concerning the ATO members and their families, including employment issues, return to their previous work, disability, receipt of socio-economic assistance. This prostitutesdomyly in Zhytomyr Regional State AdministrationSource: