At Vinnytsia police and the public show shopping establishments that sell cigarettes to minors and alcohol sector workers

criminal police for children and community representatives held a joint raid on revealing underage sales of alcohol and tobacco products. Law enforcement officials and representatives offirst organization in Vinnitsa in the neighborhood Cherry conducted a joint raid on compliance with the ban on trade establishments selling alcohol to minors, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. As a result, found that seven outlets in two sold alcohol to minors. Of the offenders had preventive talks. Ifsecond offense they will be fined for st.156 Administrative Code (violation of rules of trade beer, alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco). Such an offense carries a penalty of up to USD 6800 with deprivation of licenses to retail excise goods. As the chief of the criminal police sector in Vinnitsa region Igor powder, during this year found 86 violations of law workers trade. 18 employers were fined more than 122 thousand. 9 businesses deprived of licenses for retail trade in tobacco and alcoholproducts. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine In Vinnytsia Region
