Economic mission Vinnytsia entrepreneurs learn from Polish colleagues Sventokshiske province of forming an active investment position (+ photos)
results of the visit to the Polish town of Kielce Vinnytsia delegation headed by State Administration Valeriy Koroviyem, summarized at the meeting on September 28 the head of mizhnarodnohCooperation at Regional State Administration Volodymyr Merezhko. In particular, he noted that a prerequisite for a visit on September 20-23 in that format was an agreement between the Head of State Administration and Marshal Sventokshiske province of entry into force of 1 January 2016 "Deep and comprehensive free trade" as provided by Article 4 of the AgreementAssociation between Ukraine and the EU. "Free Trade Agreement providing for the mutual opening of markets, the stimulation of competitiveness and other steps required to achieve compliance with EU standards and trade in the EU. Entrepreneurs will reduce duties on imported goods to zero within five years, and easier for exporters etc.otsedura payment and VAT refunds. So in general, 83% of products exported to the EU free of duties Ukraine ", - said Vladimir Merezhko. Vinnytsia business trip aimed to learn from colleagues from Poland to the formation of active investment positions for different field of businesses that operate in the production of agricultural machineryobuduvannya, polymers, provision of trade. The structure of the economic mission included representatives of powerful enterprises Vinnitsa region PJSC "Vinnytsya Oil and Fat Plant, LLC" Vintar ", LLC" Litinskii Meat Plant ", JSC" Bratslav ", LLC" Vinmashpostach ", PJSC" Lighthouse "and others. During the visit, the delegation met representatives of Vinnitsa Marshal Svyentokshyskoho Adam Yarubasom province, who assured businessmen of Vinnitsa region in its support when entering the Polish market. Extremely informative for Vinnytsia delegation was visiting the Technology Park in the city. Kielce, which aims to help the first steps in starting a business and promoting dynamic development for existing entleaf. A meeting with representatives of the old Polish Chamber of Commerce representatives Vinnitsa region - economic mission participants had the opportunity to present the production capacity of their enterprises. Total Vinnytsia entrepreneurs participated in 17 meetings oznoyomcho and information in a format Business to business. Commenting on the presentation Resultatamy visit, Valery Cow stressed that over the past few years, it is this trip was the most successful and effective. "Changing approaches to stimulating the development of entrepreneurship in Poland after the 2008 crisis is very attractive for Ukrainian partners, in particular - the organization of joint business, - said the head of RSA - if the budget 2007-2013 years the emphasis has been made in funding for infrastructure - roads, water supplies, sewers, sidewalks, then, since 2014, the situation has changed. Only Sventokshiske province was allocated 1 billion 250mln. euros for seven years, of which 40% will go to promote business, 60% - for reimbursing the uprovadzhennya innovation. " Between the direction of Vinnitsa region and Sventokshiske province of Poland was agreed that such meetings will be regular from now on, as is useful for the industrialists and businessmen of both countries. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: