New Procedure in subsidies benefited almost 125,000 vinnichan

number of families that applied for subsidies simplified procedure on 1 May 2015 as at 25 September 2015 is 124,486, of which 115,126 subsidy for families. Moreover, as noted during the weekly meeting of Acting Director of juiceRSA flax Policy Lyudmila Karataeva number of families assigned to housing subsidies automatically without recourse is 60,626. Total Vinnichchine current affairs of the housing subsidy is - 184,341 families. With the state budget for housing grants our area additionally allocated grants amounting to 340.4 mln. USD. The sum total of the payment of housing subsidy of 524.0 mln. UAH., which is 423.4 million. UAH. more than in 2014. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
