In Vinnitsa region three churches became the property of the local religious communities (+ photos) The picturesque town

Bar since ancient times attracts its history and culture. One of the brightest architectural monuments not only m. Bar and Vinnitsa region is the whole Church of St. Anne, who has over two hundred years attracted interest the beauty and originality. Amazing fromand the size of the house building for its architecture bears little resemblance to traditional churches skirts. Beautiful image with sharp Gothic spiers, majestic and noble ekster`yerom forms - fits perfectly into the landscape of the ancient city. We built the temple in 1811 for the Holy Order of the Dominicans. However, historical data show that in the early 16 stolitti this town was a church of St. Nicholas, buildings which up to now have not survived. Modern appearance church received already in 1908. Double Cabin closed by Soviet authorities. The temple was nationalized, and although restored worship and doors are constantly open to all parishioners, it was state-owned. September 27, 2015opened a new page in the history of the majestic temple. The building, which belongs to the monuments of our region - returned to the ownership of the religious community of the Roman Catholic Church m. Bar. Participation in the presentation of documents was First Deputy Head Andriy Gyzhko, Bishop Ordinary Kamenetz-Podolsk diocese of the Roman Catholic LeoMr. Dubravskyy. "Without spirituality - no future. In order to preserve the national dignity, remember its own history, keep the monuments of culture, architecture, art, reminiscent of her. And our sacred duty when it comes to the revival of the Ukrainian nation, return to the ownership of the spiritual treasury of communities who wake NAlysed in Soviet times "- said in his welcoming remarks Andrew Gyzhko. In addition, the same day as one of the great Christian holiday "Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross and" Head of Department for Nationalities and Religions State Administration Ihor Saletskyy presented documents of title two prayer facilitiesreligious communities Lityn area - Holy Cross with. Trybuhy Ascension church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with. Tesy. Ancient temples are Lityn decoration and pride of our area and the Vinnitsa region. Over 100 years of bells calling the faithful to the service of God. "Going into the house, everyone feels prayerful spiritand the unity of the modern generation of grandfathers and great-grandfathers who lived and live in these parts. Paying tribute to the people who protect the spiritual sanctuary for centuries and sanctify their prayers, we do everything possible to restore historical justice and return the ownership of religious property nationalized community "- said Igor Saletskyy.This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
