In the Zhytomyr region due to snake bite husband was in intensive care

September 26, paragraph called ’ communication 12th state of the Fire and Rescue meters. Ovruch was reported that in the village. Protein ’ Janko man was bitten by a dangerous reptile. This once heralded nadzvychaynykiv Ovruch central regional hospital. How can ’ isuvalosya, 50-year-old farmer was busy around the house on your own yard ’ her. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in the upper extremity. The man began to lose consciousness, but managed to call for help. His wife immediately sparked « fast » and arrived on-call doctors, the victim was admitted to the hospital. Currently, the patient is in the intensive cure unition department of the hospital. His condition is stable. Rescuers warn the population of Zhytomyr region! Snake bite can have very serious consequences because the poison quickly affects vital systems of the human body: cardiovascular, hematopoietic, nervous. In half an hour already bitten common signs of poisoning occur: weakness, Headache, vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness, swelling of tissues appear and so on. Snakes are common in wetlands, swamps, near overgrown lakes and ponds in the mountains and deserts. Being nocturnal animals during the day they hide in old stumps in a haystack, under rocks or tree trunks. That's why these things better not touch her hands and Co.utilize the stick. Especially careful you have to be abandoned quarries, among the stone ruins of abandoned buildings. Snakes sometimes settled in places abandoned by man. So, going into the woods, be careful and make the most of a pick clothes that make impossible the bites of reptiles. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
