In Ternopil recommendations regarding the collection and use of wild mushrooms
Autumn increased number of cases of mushroom poisoning. Among the main reasons – the use of inedible mushrooms or improperly cooked conventionally edible; old or broken eatable; using mushrooms, that have doubles or have changed because of mutation. To prevent attruyennyu mushrooms: • Buy mushrooms only in their designated places (shops, hothouses, special kiosks). • Gather and buy only you know the edible mushrooms. • Do not pick mushrooms that grow near highways, industrial wastelands, former garbage in chemical and radioactive dangerous zones. • Avoid mushrooms unknown, especially with cylindrical stem based on thick « tuber & raquo ;, ring; damaged surface of old in ’ Yali, wormy or oslyzli; Do not lay plate species as poisonous mushrooms disguised them; Avoid « mushrooms » and « mushroom & raquo ;, in which the platelower surface white cap. • Do not taste raw mushroom taste. • Discard contaminated lower part of stem. Rinse the mushrooms in butter and remove from the cap mokruh slippery film. • wild mushrooms to be cooked on the day of collection, otherwise they formed a corpse poison. • Initially aboutprocessing bp ’ yatit mushrooms in water 7-10 min., then drain the broth. Only then the mushrooms can be boiled or fried. • Mandatory ’ sure to soak or boil conditionally edible mushrooms, which are about salt (mushrooms, volnushki and others containing latex) to get rid of the bitter substances that affect the gastric mucosa. • Do not letmushrooms that children, the elderly and pregnant women. • Some mushrooms (zelenushka, Dubovik et al.) contain poisonous substances that do not dissolve in the stomach. Meanwhile poison dissolved in the interaction with alcohol, leading to severe poisoning. • A large number of fungi that are still considered edible, contain small doses of toxic substances. Iftake them several days in a row, as can happen poisoning. • Improperly cooked canned mushroom may cause very severe disease – botulism. • mushrooms, which have long maintained, required ’ necessarily prokyp ’ yatit 10-15 minutes. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating, shipWe, lower blood pressure, involuntary urination, diarrhea, symptoms develop cardiovascular disease. Primary symptoms of poisoning of ’ are 1-4 hours after eating the mushrooms. Pain and nausea are repeated several times over 6-48 hours and death occurs within 5-10 days after poisoning. First aid for poisoning by mushrooms:1.Vyklychte « ambulance & raquo ;. Do not delay, waiting for doctors, – stomach wash, drink 5-6 glasses of hot water ’ boiled water or pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, call vomiting clicking finger on the root of the tongue; when water will be clean, take 4-5 pills of activated carbon. 2.Vypyyte strong tea,coffee or lightly salted water, restoring fluid and electrolyte balance. 3.Z ’ yasuyte who have used a dish with mushrooms, which led to poisoning and slide preventive measures. It is prohibited in case of poisoning take any medicines and food, it can accelerate the absorption of toxins in the gut. Compliance with these rules can keep your health ’ t Iand even life, for mushroom poisoning is very difficult to treat. State Emergency Service of Ukraine constantly conducts preventive Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work with the public about the dangers of eating wild mushrooms, reminiscent rules of cleaning and cooking, checks Sales fungi. However, the most likely way to absorbve life and health ’ i – exclude from the diet of wild mushrooms.Source: