In the Transcarpathian region 33 years - Janos Brovdi Irshavschyny served with a police car while driving

driver Janos Brovdi being a single machine in Irshava police went to almost all crimes that occurred in the district. 33 years he helped solve crimes, and sometimes he risked his life, was to save others. Sometime in the distant pislyavoyenni last century, country boy with Janos Brody Brovdi sled went to work in the local farm. He studied at the School Beregovsky machine where got specialty "tractor-mechanic". By direction of the school went to Kustanai Region, worked as a tractor driver. Subsequently, the direction of the military went to driving school to learns. In 1962, passing military service in the Army, worked as a petrol tanker driver, who ran the fuel even airplane pilot John Kozhedub. After returning from the Army was unable off welfare at home, so went to Mukachevo, where he was advised to go to work in the police. Initially hesitant, but later still dare and went to work as a policemanOm - the driver of the police station. Some aspects of the service former police driver Janos Brovdi remembers even now. For example, at a wedding in s.Pryborzhavske unknown persons under the weather clipped two local residents and fled from the scene. Subsequently, the police found that the crime committed by the inhabitants of Kirovograd region. In search of evilchyntsiv police station were sent then-chief of Criminal Investigation, the district inspector and Janos Brovdi on paddy Timber cabin. They went to Kirovohrad region in search of criminals spent the night outdoors in farms, in houses of culture, each checking information. Thus, only a half months police CJSCrymaly criminals. In 60-70 years there was little transport. Janos Brovdi, happened many times, given the tense situation in the operational area, 24 hours a day, not leaving the premises of the police station, the family had not seen for weeks. When the village Lysychovo beat local district inspector, deputy head of the district department along with the driver went to detentionlochyntsya, deputy head went forward and was the driver behind. At this time, because of the house with an ax in the hands of the attacker swung at the deputy, but smart Janos Brovdi time to react, framed hand, thus knocked out of the hands of criminals ax. Such arrests account he had many. The driver-policeman helped reveal the fatal hit ustech- nological village Brod. It villagers came home with the news that they found the man on the side of the street with no signs of life. While arrived at the scene investigative team, Janos Brovdi already examined the scene, where he found a piece of ice in snow with car paint. It is this piece helped to find a driver who disappeared from the scene. Goodknowledge of the automobile business helped uncover Ilnitsa robbery in the village where my grandmother from unknown persons took away checks. Neighbors in the survey reported a rough brand of car, which came criminals. In the future leadership of the district department of driver-policeman with operatives were sent to the city. Lvov. Within a month, policeand traveled around the city, establishing identity of the owner of the car. Eventually, an ambulance was calculated and then the criminals who came from the city to plunder grandmother. In 1976, a Long during a football match, fans attacked the local policeman, who made their observations on their behavior. Then INS districtpektora beat the crowd. Law enforcers broke seven ribs. This case in the police station informed the seller of the store. Janos Brovdi left the police station together with the management and operational staff. The chief of the police station the team was given "full alert" - meant that the attack on the police, they would shoot to the affectedtion. Loudspeaker chief asked the crowd to disperse, but people do not rest. Only when seen naked arms, they began to diverge, and the wounded policeman was taken out from the crowd. Subsequently, the police have established three people who provoked a fight and struck the district injuries. Had him for PerryA service to transport prisoners. Returning to the next stage in his paddy's been 13 people who Pistryalova near Mukachevo district began to shake cabin. At this time the police car began to create an emergency situation two other cars and pryzhymaty it. In this situation Janos Brovdi also worked professionally and all areshtovadrove them to their destination. Over the entire period of service Ensign police driver was Janos Brovdi 6 Irshava district department heads. All vehicles on which he worked, city "still yataye it; GAZ-69, GAZ-51, VAZ-2121, and VAZ2108 HAZ469d. Almost every vehicle can be called disadvantages, as all repaired their own, because there was no tehstantsiy. ByJanos Brovdiyu just 72 years and he is in retirement, leading farm with two horses that are his favorites. Vita Horzov, Irshava District Police
