In Zhytomyr police teach students the rules of safe conduct special lessons had
employees of the State Security Service at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Zhytomyr for students of secondary school 8. After discussing the rules of safe behavior at home and in public places, police protection is demonstrated to schoolchildren and special equipnky. Fancy feasting police GSO began by discussing with children of non-standard situations in which they may find themselves suddenly and guidelines to address them. In particular, students learned how to act when there alongside adults, and call to the apartment and insist unknown open the door or what to do if lost in a crowded monththese crooks believed stolen or found their own things and more. Together with the children repeated police rules of safe behavior on the road and in public places. During the meeting the students answered the questions of police officers remembered the phone numbers of emergency services providing first aid in the event of dangerous situations. Some inchniv told about real cases with police and young interlocutors discussed possible scenarios. The largest seizure in children caused practical part of the lesson. They were able not only to see the full outfit police protection, but even to try it. - Wearing a vest and helmet, I felt spravzhnim hero - describes his impressions schoolboy Daniel - I chose my future profession - will the police! Thanks to police protection for the useful information, the children shared their impressions and positive emotions and promised to always observe personal safety measures. UDSO at MIA Ukraine Zhytomyr regionSource: