In the Khmelnitsky region in the area Derazhniansky disposed of hazardous explosive device

on Sept. 23 at 12 am pyrotechnic work of deminers rescue special unit of the Main Directorate DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region was removed, and in the space (quarry in the village. Sinovody Derazhniansky Rayowell) destroyed by an artillery shell caliber 152 mm during the Second World War. Finding explosive was found near the village. Manykivtsi Derazhniansky area in the forest, resident chef Peter Ivanovich when he was collecting mushrooms. During the inspection control territory deminers were not found other GNP. Dear citizens! To occurredtrouble, while the detection of suspicious objects need to comply strictly with safety rules. Never touch a dangerous object. Place findings need to fence, using objects of bright colors. After that you should immediately call the Rescue 101. Reported at
