In the Khmelnitsky region training seminar on "Improvement of the center of administrative services"
the participation of First Deputy Head Vasyl Protsiuk training seminar on "Improvement of the center of administrative services." The event was organized Khmelnytsky Oblast StateS Administration, Centre for Political and Legal Reforms (m. Kyiv) and the Centre for Local Government (m. Lviv) and supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Ukraine UNDP program. The workshop was attended by heads of district administrations TsNAPiv region and cities of regional subordination, managers and employees soerytorialnyh public authorities, including the State Migration Service, the Main Territorial Department of Justice, the Main Department Derzhheokadastru in state enterprises' National Information Systems "and" Information and Resource Center "NGO representatives region. The aim of the event was to discuss problemsematyky improve the quality of administrative services through improvement of centers providing administrative services in cities and districts of the region, service delivery mechanisms of executive power within the current legislation, the performance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 05.16.2014, 523 on granting services of central authorityin the executive. Actively discussed the changes that take place in the administrators TsNAPiv October of this year in connection with the entry into force of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine on February 12, 2015 191. Opening the workshop, Basil Protsiuk noted that it is extremely important to complete the restructuring process byurokratychnohO device to a service institution focused on providing the highest quality of citizens' needs in receiving administrative services. Given the importance of reforming the system of administrative services, problems of TsNAPiv often seen on the boards of state administration and conference calls. For 8 months of this year through local CNapa, whose work provides 74 reception and 33 public administrator, provided almost 230.0 thousand. Administrative Services, which is 3 times more than in the same period last year. Reported atSource: