The police received Transcarpathia new treatment Gennady Moskal on bribing voters
* The Police Department received an appeal in the Transcarpathian Zakarpattia Regional State Administration Chairman Gennady Moskal on bribing voters. This time the coast and Berehovo district. Earlier Transcarpathian Regional Administration has turned to Transcarpathian police requirementsyu prevent bribery of voters in the upcoming local elections and warned law enforcement officials already known about him bribing voters in favor of one political party in Mukachevo and Khust districts. This time, received a similar message about attempts to bribe voters and Coastal Beregovo area. The head of the Transcarpathian police dain reference to conduct a thorough investigation into allegations official. If the suspicions are confirmed - "fence votes" faces criminal responsibility in accordance with applicable law. Report on violations during the campaign and election process, citizens can dial clock "hot line" 0-312-695-050. In Transcarpathia progress mylytsyyuylo Appeal Hennadyya Moskal new attempt at podkupa voters In Management of MIA in Transcarpathian Appeal acted Transcarpathian regional state administration chairman Hennadyya Moskal at podkupe voters. At this time in the Coast and Berehovskom area. Earlier Transcarpathian OGA has obraschalsya for mylytsyy with the requirements of Transcarpathian not allow podkup yzbyrateley on predstoyaschyh mestnh Choice and predupredyl pravoohranyteley about emu already of known facts podkupa voters in favor IZ One polytycheskyh parties in Mukachevskom and Hustskom areas. At this time acted analohychnoe a message at attempt podkupa voters in the Coast and Berehovskom area. Chapter Transcarpathian mylytsyy dal specified hold tschatelnoe investigation declared official. If podozrenyya podtverdyatsya - "buyer votes" hrozyt uholovnaya responsibility deystvuyuschemu comply with legislation. If you yzbyratelnoy IN TIME Campania yzbyratelnoho process and citizens mogut kruhlosutochno telephone "Hot LINES 0-312-695-050. SZEM MIA in Zakarpattia aboutoblastSource: