In Lutsk change the order of
tax advice LIGHTS PG Mindohodiv Lutsk in the Volyn region reported that on September 1, come into force changes to the Tax Code introduced by Law of Ukraine of 07.17.2015 p. 655-VIII on the order providing tax advice. Therefore, consultation, except synthesis are given: - Orally -regulatory authorities; - In written or electronic form - the supervisory authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol, regions, interregional territorial authorities, central executive body that implements the state tax and customs policy, and subject to mandatory placement on the site supervising opGhana, which provided consultation within 10 calendar days after their submission without specifying the name (last name, first name, middle name) of the taxpayer and his tax address. Powers of providing integrated tax advice transferred to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, which will conduct periodic generalization individual taxx consultations and their publication in t. h. on the official website of the Ministry of Finance, within 5 calendar days from the date of approval. Also, taxpayers have the right to appeal the order approving generalizing tax advice provided to him or tax advice as individual legal act of individual action set out in writingoviy or electronic form, in the opinion of the taxpayer, or contrary to the content of the tax or fee. Cancellation court order approving generalizing individual tax advice or tax advice is the basis for providing new tax consultation with the conclusions of the court. Within 30 kalenDarnay days from the date of entry into force of the court to cancel the order approving generalizing individual tax advice or tax advice or body DFS Ministry of Finance of the conclusions of the court are required to publish the integrated tax advice or provide individual taxpayers tax adviceth. Communications Sector Lutsk LIGHTS This was reported in Lutsk city councilSource: