In Zhytomyr energy efficiency issues at the state level is
Chief Specialist of energy-saving housing Ministry of Regional Development Irina Vyshnyak during a speech at a conference on "Biofuels - a real alternative to traditional energy sources" said: "This year, Ukraine increased its share of renewablein the total energy supply. In particular, electricity by 2.2% obtained from all renewable energy sources, with 30,000 boilers have 28% work on alternative energy sources, but still remain 72% gas. District heating organization completed work on upgrading and construction of 1000 new houses on alternative fuels. " WithIrina Vyshnyak noted that the disappointing statistics remains in the thermal sector, where heat losses amount to about 45%, in water more than 40%, and electricity consumption per unit of cleaning 1 m3 of water is 2.5 times higher than in the EU. To reduce power consumption of housing services adopted a number of documents that task enlargeshare of renewable energy to 20% by 2020: Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2030; National Action Plan on renewable energy for the period until 2020; The action plan to implement the National Action Plan for renewable energy for the period until 2020; The action plan to reduce natural gas consumption to 2017 year; Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine - 2020" and so on. Alternative energy projects undertaken by the Action Plan Sustainable Energy - Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine - 2020", approved by the President of Ukraine, is implemented in practice. "In terms of decentralization, new territorial associationI must meet this Strategy. At the city level by utilities use the opportunity to address the problems of three main components - economic, social and environmental, serving as the basis for this development. The project aims to reduce 20% of CO2 emissions, a 20% increase in the share of alternative and renewable energy sources and 20% invyschyty energy ", - said Irina Vyshnyak. Chief specialist emphasized that the new private investments through the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the introduction of new investment opportunities to guarantee the rights and legitimate interests of businesses for major enerhomodernizatsiyi". This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State AdministrationSource: