In Chernivtsi region closer watch on their own things
Most hunting strange wallet pickpockets chosen places with large concentrations of people. For example, during events or in the queue. Enthusiastic conversation you may not even feel like an intruder opens the bag or climbs you in a pocket and pulls out a purse or money. A largesecond risk being left without purse, and while visiting the market or supermarket when you leave unattended their things and interest are considering products. Also thief disguised as an ordinary tourist who got lost in the city, you can ask for help. And while you are sincerely trying to target pseudo-wanderer, he pulls from your pocket or bag, etc.o example, a mobile phone. Chat danger and stops. Crush public transport - the breadbasket for pickpockets. While you're passionate conversation with another passenger or immersed in their own thoughts, the attacker quietly pulls the purse from the bag and quietly goes to the next stop. Sometimes thieves work in pairs and. One steals purseb and passes it to his friend. So even if they notice a theft suspect in your goodness might not be. So to avoid becoming victims of thieves pocket, the police advised closely monitor their things always tightly closed bags and pockets. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: