Rescuers eliminated conventional fire at the Ivano-Frankivsk City

in the milk of his rescuers should always be ready to skillfully and consistently act in case of different kinds of emergencies. It is therefore important to continuously improve their professional skills. It is for this purpose firefighters Ivano-FrankivskFirst garrison held tactical exercises on extinguishing fires in conventional Ivano-Frankivsk City milk. Studies were intended to test combat capability of rescue personnel, their interaction with service personnel about ’ facility. For tactical plan exercises, due to violations of fire safety rules at spalyuvaESI wood-fired, there was fire in the boiler. Area fires - about 60 sq.m. There is a danger of fire transfer to other parts of the premises and hangar roof with wood. Staff immediately notify the fire rescue workers at the number « 101 & raquo ;. Arriving to a place call manager Extinguishing conducts exploration and confirms pidvyschenyy number call. Firefighters immediately begin operational deployment, setting cars on fire water source, and begin to extinguish the fire. A strong smoke indoors rescuers to work in respiratory protection devices and view. Fortunately, at the time of fire in the boiler room of people was not, none of pratsivnykiv suffered. Efforts fire liquidators have been fruitful: conventional fire was localized and later repaid. The benefits of such exercises is unconditional. That's why managers are aware of their importance and promotes their implementation in its territory. One of the most important stages tactical special exercises is their analysis and etc.Arctic study about ’ facility. It is safe to say that the Ivano-Frankivsk rescuers ready to act inappropriately.
