In Zhytomyr violations of journalists' rights to control

on Sept. 23 at the Interior Ministry held a meeting on the protection of journalists. The agenda of the meeting were made the creation of a working group on the protection of journalistic activities. The group will work on creating the necessary regulatory framework and tacosalso consider the investigation criminal proceedings, where the object of criminal assault was the work of journalists. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Ministry of Interior, Security Service, the Prosecutor General, mediayurysty and representatives of professional associations of journalists. The meeting aimed to review draft regulationsb of the working group on the protection of journalists. This working group should accumulate information on the state of freedom of speech and obstruction of journalists, as well as monitor the status of further investigation of the events. According to the chief of the Main Investigation Department of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine Oleksandr Vakulenko to work more effectively with appealstions, which featured representatives of the mass media in the service operates daily monitoring of the situation. "Accordingly, we have implemented a daily monitoring of this information and summarize it," - said the head of the Interior Ministry investigation. He added that he sees the need for mutual exchange of relevant information with the union representatives of media. It is necessary for painw rapid response to violations of journalists' rights. By the end of September, representatives of the Interior Ministry investigation department plans to prepare an analysis on the application of Article 171 (Obstruction of legitimate professional activities of journalists) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as well as the necessary infographic. "The active phase continues. After nine monthsYatsiv we are preparing the necessary information and provide for the use and discussion of media representatives ", - said Alexander Vakulenko. This was reported in Zhytomyr Regional State Administration
