"Palliative and hospice care for children Vinnitchina"

The project was the name NGO "Accord" with the support of the charity fund "Renaissance" in association with "Vinnitsa association of physicians" and Red Cross launched a set of measures that mark the World Day of palliative care. Yes, 23 in Vinnytsia medical versenCollege Zabolotnogo held marathon "Appreciate Life" as part of "Palliative and hospice dopomha children Vinnitsa region." It was so nurses provide desired hygienic palliative care patients. And in this day still a student they already know how to contribute to help children with incurable diseasewe. October 10 we celebrate World Day of palliative care - is an occasion once again draw the attention of the community and the authorities to this problem. According to the WHO, palliative care - an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families who are faced with the problem of the deadly disease. Every year more and more organizationsattached to the second theme of palliative care. This year we have a special authority, when the World Day of palliative care not only joined NGOs and activists but also power. That regional state administration. This shows that the government recognizes the existence of problems in the field of palliative care and joinsto address them. Certificate: Planned activities for the Day of Palliative Care. Marathon "appreciate life!" Which began in Vinnitsa National Medical University to form mobile teams of medical volunteers who conduct educational campaign among universities Vinnitsa region on the issue of palliative and hospice care. As part of the marathonbuvatymetsya relay between universities, which will include a number of tasks on said subject (making the video "appreciates life" exhibition, the formation of "Reserve Bank of donors" for children who need palliative care, drawing competition "House of Life"). The marathon will include a charity component - a fundraiser for the needs of children potrebuyutb palliative and hospice care. 1. Palliative Care Week - will be held fotosushku placed themed photographs entries of students and children undergoing treatment at the hematology department. (1-10.10.2015) 2. Heat "appreciates life" (10/10/2015) 3. A flash mob "Bracelets of life" as a symbol of life for young patientss This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/