In the Ternopil region should be assessed five state facilities

Regional Office Property Fund to assess the Ternopil region offers five of state property: 1) rate waterworks in the village. Kushlyn Kremenets district area of ??9.7275 hectares; 2) areas of the repair shop area of ??67 square meters. m at Chortkiv st. Prince Vladimirand Big 12; 3) non-residential premises of an area of ??1.5 sq. on the first floor of the hostel number 1 of TSMU them. Horbachevsky at m. Ternopil, st. Zhivov, 3; 4) non-residential premises of an area of ??1.5 sq. on the first floor of the hostel number 2 of TSMU them. Horbachevsky at m. Ternopil, st. Zhivov, 5; 5) of non-self- building area of ??1.5 square meters. m on the first floor of the educational building 10 Ternopil State Medical University them. Horbachevsky at m. Ternopil, st. Chekhov, 7. The purpose of the independent assessment - determining the market value of the property for the purpose of calculating the next rent. The competition for the selection of evaluation activity will take place on October 1, 2015 at 10 hours. Competitive documentation is accepted up to 24 September inclusive at m. Ternopil, st. Tantsorova, 11, office. 604. Inquiries - 52-66-85. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil regional council
