Rescuers held information sessions for students Chernivtsi University

Facilities awareness of the importance of everyday safety rules DSNS employees of the Ukraine in Chernivtsi region organized various meetings, during which the Rose ’ isnyuvalna work with countryman. So, on the occasion of the new school year, September 23 rescue workers held a lecture on safety for students of the Faculty of Philology Chernivtsi University. The event was held at the department of safety of life of the institution. The meeting was « Readypeople to act in case of an emergency. Preventing fires in the living areas and the deaths of people they & raquo ;. At the beginning of the lecture rescuers all students acquainted with the peculiarities of emergencies and their differences. Also, students were told how to act in case of their origin and what safety rubbno thus follow. In addition, the present and told about the situation with the fires in the Chernivtsi region. « The main reason for their appearance – human safety, the idea that evil could happen to someone else, but not me. But the trouble does not choose and can affect anyone who flippantly refers to its own security » – asked rescuers to students. Therefore, staff management in detail told about safety rules, compliance with which will prevent a fire. Special attention was paid to rescue important safety rules during the heating season, which will soon come. This rescuers said they wish to heat my callerat home is quite natural and understandable, but do not forget about safety rules, as it may cause a fire. « Rescuers organized event not only cognitive, but also interesting lectures. This cooperation will continue, because thanks to this work can prevent accidents » – summarized Mr.Taking rovedenoyi Head of the Department of Life Safety ChNU them. Handicrafts Irina Kukovska Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
