Khmelnytsky region: balance the family budget, and get subsidies turn Thou!

22 September 2015 with representatives of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine held a seminar for local departments of social protection rayderzhadminstratsiy, city executive committees on improvement of provision of housing subsidies.One of the key reforms undertaken by the Government of Ukraine in the social sphere is reforming the system of housing subsidies, improvement, simplification and efficiency. Reforming subsidies impossible without teamwork of local authorities, the main role which should play a local social security populatedtion. Ensure implementation of new subsidy mechanisms in conditions of unprecedented growth and the number of appeals by subsidies, high-quality and transparent work will pratsivnkiv high level of professionalism of social protection, a thorough understanding of the procedure of appointment and provision of publicfirst aid for housing and communal services. The seminar rozlyadalysya following: 1. The granting privileges to certain categories of citizens, taking into account the average total family income (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 04.06.2015 389 "On approval of the provision of benefits to certain categories of citizens considering Augustednomisyachnoho total family income "); 2. Changes to the procedure for granting subsidies in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26.06.2015 475 "On simplification of the appointment and provision of housing subsidies" and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 05.08.2015 570 "On Amendments to the Regulation on appointment and overReference subsidies for reimbursement for housing and communal services, purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid stove fuel "; 3. Psychological aspects of working with clients; 4. Automation Tools granting subsidies to reflect changes to the subsidy; 5. The procedure for data exchange nro income from DFS Ukraine; 6. Procedure for data exchange with organizations - service providers; 7. Order recalculations subsidies while limiting benefits to certain categories of citizens; 8. Order recalculations subsidies while increasing the cost of services and the transition to the heating season; Reported at
