In Zhytomyr firefighters prevented the destruction of
buildings dereveneyut September 22 at 23:36 in operational control center DSNS koordenatsiynoho Ukraine in the area of ??the fire was reported at trees ’ Yang unfinished private house in the village Teterevka Zhytomyr region. Fire discovered a casual witness it inand others called to the rescue « 101 & raquo ;. The man was driving past the village by car. Seeing the glow he thought that burning wood and decided to check, but when under » rode closer he saw burning in the house. On arrival of the next guard rescuers to the scene, the fire was covered and ceiling and wall. Thanks to herThere's skilful actions at 00:07 managed to localize the fire, and at 01:28 – completely eliminated. However, the fire had destroyed ceiling and wall damage. The dead and injured were found. Currently cause of the fire and the amount of damage and rescued material values ??established by experts. In DSNS in Zhytomyr regionSource: