Khmelnytsky region: worldwide campaign "Day without cars"

September 22, in many countries conducted the World Car Free Day (WorldCarfreeDay). Car Free Day first celebrated in 1998. in France, when some cities were stopped car traffic. In subsequent years, this tradition took over other countries and cities. The action -draw attention to the problem of air pollution in vehicles to reduce the concentration of exhaust gases in the air, reduce noise stress, promote the development of alternative types of transportation. Transport is a major polluter of the air, its emissions up to 90% of contayuyuchyh substances that enter the air basin area. As a result of the operation of vehicles in the atmosphere nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals and other harmful substances. According to the Central Statistical Office in the Khmelnitsky region by 2014, cars thrown our country into the atmosphere of 54,700 tonsMr. pollutants (including individual car 40,900 tons and car companies - 13,800 tons). The lion's share accounted for by the regional center - 11.7 thousand tons. Day without cars in Ukraine officially celebrated, but such actions are initiated by the public or local authorities in some cities of Ukraine. Deparported by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Khmelnytsky Oblast State Administration encourages all motorists and concerned citizens of the region possible September 22 to join the "Day without cars", thus making a significant contribution not only their own health, the health of children and relatives, but also the health of our planet! Reported at
