Almost 1,400 vinnichan already used "warm" program

loans for energy efficiency among vinnichan becoming popular. Thus, since its launch in loans issued to replace gas boilers and purchase of energy efficient materials in the amount of 25.8 million USD. According to Deputy Head Vasyl brewers, the state supportedIMCO in the implementation of energy efficiency measures 1,394 residents took advantage of the land. "Unfortunately it had to Vinnitsa region. Moreover, we have only one project implemented by condominiums. In carrying out their thermo house bank allocated 13 500 hryvnia. This program is not to ignore, because for those who took loans Savings Bank or UkrgasBank on diverse insulation and energy saving measures state reimburses 30%, and for still subsydiantiv plus 40%, ie a total of 70%, "- said Vasily the industry. Also made financial support of energy efficiency measures and regional level, says the official. Vishkoduvannya regional program guarantees 15% of the interest rateand credit. "A similar program operates in Vinnytsia, under which paid 30% of the loan. Two areas of Vinnitsa region have also adopted the program on energy efficiency for example regional, and ten - are to be considered at the regular sessions of district councils. So do not understand why you do not use such programs. We must stop fear and begin rater "- said Vasily the industry. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
