Transcarpathia: the Irshavschyni injured in an accident four night
villagers in the village. Protein was an accident involving a car "Volvo" and the car "VAZ - 2106". The driver and three passengers of "VAZ" from his injuries were in the trauma department Irshava RL. At night, around 02.30 hours the next Irshavskogo rayvidwork of the police received a report from a doctor ambulance that with. Proteins Street Croton happened an accident involving two vehicles with the victims. Check-out investigative team and the audit found that in the village. Protein 43 year old driver of "Volvo" resident. Irshava, moving towards the village. Imstychevo not WEIravsya control and collided with a car "VAZ - 2106". As a result of the collision 26 year-old resident of the village. Proteins, the driver of "VAZ-2106" and the three passengers of the car villagers from his injuries were in the trauma department Irshava district hospital. In fact of traffic accident is conductedCheck. Both cars delivered to shtrafploschadku VDAI Irshava District Police. In the water taken for blood alcohol content. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian regionSource: