In Vinnitsa region continues Complex autumn field work

as of September 21 grain and leguminous crops (including corn for grain) collected - from an area 535.3 thousand. Ha (64.5% of the 829.3 thousand hectares.) trashed - 2,408.5 ths. tons of grains with the average yield of 45.0 c / ha (in 2014 - 48.5 c / ha) Buckwheat area of ??9.8 thousand hectares. Collected - 8.5 thouwith. ha (86.9%), threshed - 8.7 ths. tons of grain at productivity - 10.3 c / ha (in 2014 - 16.1 c / ha). Millet area of ??1.1 thousand hectares. Collected - 948 ha (86.5%), threshed - 1.7 thousand. Tonnes with the average yield - 18.0 c / ha (in 2014 - 21.4 c / ha ) Corn from an area of ??309.1 thousand hectares. Collected - 16.8 thousand. Ha (5.4%), threshed - 75.9 thousand. TheyHH at an average yield of 45.1 c / ha (in 2014 - 76.1 c / ha). Soy area of ??223.8 thousand hectares. Collected - 99.3 thousand. Ha (44.4%), threshed - 126.1 ths. Tons with an average yield - 12.7 c / ha (in 2014 - 20, 8 kg / ha). Sunflower area of ??187.1 thousand hectares. Collected - 70.2 thousand. Ha (37.5%), threshed - 159.4 ths. Tons with an average yield - 22.7 c / ha(in 2014 - 25.1 c / ha). Agricultural farm started harvesting sugar beets. From the square 51.8 thousand. Ha dug them - 1.8 thousand. Ha (3.5%), nakopano - 58.1 thousand. Tonnes with the average yield - 323 kg / ha (in 2014 - 475 kg / ha) . Vegetables, melons harvested from an area of ??20.6 thousand. Ha (86.4%) of the total yield - 198.2 ths. Tons in the crop capacity 96.1c / ha. Prepared soil for sowing winter crops on the area - 368.6 thousand. Ha (99.4% of the forecast), except under winter rape - 70.8 thousand. Ha (98.4%). For harvest 2016 winter crops sown on the area of ??98.6 thousand. Ha (26.6% of the forecast). With the projected area of ??winter rape 72.0 thousand. Ha sown - 47.7 thousand. Ha (66.3% of the forecast). Ploughland prepared soil in an area - 293.2 thousand. Ha (26.6% of the forecast), namely deep plowing - 34.3 thousand. Ha (54.6%), including for sowing sugar beet - 31.3 thousand. ha (62.6% of the forecast). This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
