John Krysak presented state awards to Ukraine to mark the Day of Unification Ukraine
state awards on the occasion of the Day of Unification received three residents. Honorary awards handed acting head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Ivan Krysak 24 February. According to the Decree of the President for his significant contribution to nation building,socio-economic, technological, cultural and educational development of the Ukrainian state, conscientious work and professionalism of the Order "For Merit" third degree awarded member of the Board of Ternopil regional organization of disabled Ukrainian public organization of disabled people "Chernobyl Union of Ukraine" Bogdan Hazylyshyna. Order Merit "third degree and received a social and political activist Miroslav a draft. Also, for significant contribution to the development of national music and conscientious work Diploma Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine received Symphony Orchestra Artist Ternopil Regional Philharmonic Games Maruschak. Presenting the honorary nakedHohrod John Bogdanovich wished health and new achievements. "I want to thank you for your tireless work. It is my pleasure to hand state awards, because it means that living in Ternopil talented, decent people, "- said the head area. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: