Under the pretext restart the banking system, the scammer lured in zakarpatky money

40-year-old hustyanka become a victim of fraud. In her cell phoned an unknown person and had the employee one of the banks. The fraudster asked the woman to tell him pin credit card allegedly due to reboot the banking system. Male fromapevnyv hustyanku that while reloading system can lose their money and that this, asked her to dictate pin credit card. When checking cards, the woman realized that it deceived. Unknown withdrew from her account in 2000 hryvnia. The next day a woman approached the bank employees that blocked the card. The event brought toUnified Register of pre-trial investigation Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine " & quot ;. Fraud Dear citizens, if you call requesting dictate pin of your credit card, thank unknown for concern, but no codes will not tell! Go to the bank, check your card and get a qualified coltatsiyu an employee of the bank. Information Hust CF MIA

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/