In Ternopil message about publishing the Regulatory Act
Draft Decision of the Executive Committee of the City Council &Laquo; On approval of the implementation of trade during trade fairs, exhibitions and sales of cultural events, a single trade in the city of Ternopil » Developer – managerialof trade, welfare and consumer protection Ternopil City Council Draft Regulatory Act provides for an enabling environment for trade activity during fairs, exhibitions and sales of cultural events, a single trade in the city. Ternopil. Draft decision of the City Council « About zatverdzhent Regulation on trading activities during the fairs, exhibitions and sales of cultural events, a single trade in the city of Ternopil » and its regulatory impact analysis will be posted on the official website of the City Council in the internet under « Regulatory Policy » and in the newspaper & laquo, Ternopil evening & raquo ;. Term receiving suggestions and comments on the draft regulatory act is 1 month from the date of publication of the draft regulatory act and regulatory impact analysis. Suggestions and comments to the Draft Regulatory Act request submitted in writing: * Email address: m. Ternopil, st. Copernicus, 1; * Factorcatfish 52-76-79; * Email address: This was reported in the Ternopil City CouncilSource: