In the Transcarpathian region Berehove police struggling with a "miserable business"

for the prevention, detection and prevention of facts of offenses in the children's environment, particularly involving minors to the occupation of begging department employees of the criminal police for Children Beregovo raided the streets Coast. Recently, while working in the city center Coast police have found 12-year-old dark-skinned girl who was engaged in begging. How do I find operatives VKMSD forced to ask the child's own mother. 41-year-old local resident camp never formally employed, receives no social benefits as regular income family of fourman has. Interrupted only temporary jobs, which is not always enough. Earnings beggar on the day ranged from 20 to 45 hryvnia. For his "craft" chose the most crowded places, near supermarkets, thermal pools and churches. Money is the mother gave the girl, and she bought food for them for the whole family. Mother girl Investigatorsecond reported suspicion of committing a crime under Part 2 st.304 Criminal Code of Ukraine (Engaging minors in begging). After completing the investigation the case will be transferred to the court. - In addition to the detection of crime, the purpose of the criminal police department employees for Children raids implementation Coast streets. conducting and preventivetion work with categories of citizens that have the potential to become parties to offenses in the children's environment - said police chief Lt. Col. Vasily Beregovo Ryabinchak. Information Beregovo District Police
