The most popular subjects for testing will be the history of Ukraine and Mathematics

as of February 23 7137 students registered testing area. This was announced by Deputy Director TOKIPPO for testing and monitoring the quality of education Yuri Shaynyuk. According to him, apart from the obligatory Ukrainian language and literature, most students expressed a desire to pass on lessonsUkraine's history and mathematics. "So take lessons of Ukrainian language and literature students volunteered region 7137 (of which 446 students zdavatymut depth level), the history of Ukraine - 4192 students of mathematics - 3112 graduates - said Yuri Shaynyuk. - Next - biology, geography, English, Physics, Chemistry, Ukrainian language and literature (Advancedlevel), Mathematics (Advanced level), Russian and French. " Yuri Shaynyuk noted that only one student found to take lessons in Spanish and said that by the end of the week the number of registered graduates will increase, with Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment finalize applications students. This isreported in Ternopil Regional State Administration
