Chernigov Center of social services for families, children and young people: 99 children with family members provided ATO Medical Tourism
Realizing this summer in state family policy, guided by the Law of Ukraine "On social work with children and youth," the provisions of the National a strategy to prevent child abandonment by 2020, the Statefamily support program to 2016 Chernihiv city center of social services for families, children and youth focus focus on supporting families in difficult circumstances. Registered families who find themselves in difficult circumstances as of 01/09/2015 CHMTSSSSDM year are 238 families, which brought 390 didren. Under the social support center professionals are 83 families in bringing up 105 kids. The number of clients who appealed to "social support families' center is currently 24 150 3450. They provided information, psychological, legal, social, psychological, socio-economic and socio-medical services. The mainCenter of attention is focused on the quality of their provision. Also, social workers during the reporting period needs assessments conducted 311 family (person) needs assessments and child and family together with subjects of social work. The real result of CHMTSSSSDM specialists together with employees of services for children district councils is that protyahom 9 months of 2015 m. Chernigiv no child orphans and children deprived of parental care has not got to institutions. In addition, during the year the center provided services to new populations, including 1,664 internally displaced persons. In order to implement the Action Plan on medical, psychological professional reabilitatsiher social adaptation and participants of counterterrorist operation 754 by ATU and their families received 6800 related social services. Social support center covers 16 families (they brought up 20 children) members and families of soldiers who took part in anti-terrorist operations. With the support center 99 of these children and families276 children from families in difficult circumstances were healed and equipped sanatorium treatment this summer. According to Chernihiv City Centre of Social Services for Families, Children and YouthSource: