In the Zhytomyr region in Emilchinsky district police caught the thief

16 September local police department requested 51-year-old village. Ore Ivanovo, a statement of the abduction from his home of money. The man told police officers that the theft occurred at a time when it was not available at home. The thief found in his house kept soand took out 1200 hryvnia. At the scene police found out that intruder was in the home, picking up the key to lock the front door. After a series of special events, they found that the theft did 42-year-old local resident. He admitted his guilt. Initiation of investigation of the criminal proceedings. According to on p. 3 pvol. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine the secret abduction of another's property, coupled with the penetration of shelter, other premises or shelter punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
