In Vinnitsa region held a presentation of tourist and local lore album "Tyvrivschyna" Andrew Stebelyeva (+ photos)

17 September in the department the Internet Center of Vinnytsia Regional Universal Scientific Library named. KA Timiryazeva at a meeting of the scientific and local history club "researcher region" a presentation of tourist and local lore album "Tyvrivschyna" Andrew Stebelyeva. The presentation albumth participated Ph.D., professor of Ukrainian language and style of journalism VSPU them. Kotsiubynskyi, corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, head of the Vinnytsia regional organization of the National Union of Ukraine Sergey Halchak ethnographers, by album - journalist and local historian, poet, member of the National SPILCI journalists of Ukraine and the National Union of Writers of Ukraine Andriy Stebelyev. The basis of the book is a detailed historical essay, a pointer trails designed to reveal the tourist potential Tyvriv area. Photo shows the history of the land of monuments, submits material on historical, archaeological, architectural, natural monuments, religious holidaysyni primarily winners of "Seven Wonders Tyvrivschyny." The book is full of exclusive works of photographers, rich illustrative material from the collections of museums, archives and private collections, family Ocheretnyh, V. Posternak, A. Tamtury, V. Shportko. It contains a rich local history material and promote the comprehensive familiarization with outstanding historical-kulturnymy Tyvrivschyny and natural objects. Lyricist and compiler of the book - Andrew V. Stebelyev, a former military by profession, a poet by vocation, journalist and local historian. In his lore heritage - intelligence on Podolsk writers: Elena Achasovu, Yulia Brewery, Leonid Borozyentseva, Peter Gordiychuk, Valentina Storozhuk, Dmitry Co.btsya, Boris Khomenko et al., as well as the towns of Vinnitsa region (village Dzvonyha, ditches, Piliava Tyvriv area). Ethnographer undertook research on native m. Vinnytsya, a famous Russian artist and theater, master of book illustration, sculptor Natan Altman, stay on the tail of the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova.This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
