Prospects for the development of the tourism industry in the state and in Chernihiv

Prospects for the development of tourism in Ukraine in terms of military aggression of the Russian Federation, participants discussed the visiting session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Family, Youth, Sports and Tourism, held on 23 February in Chernihiv . Management area, peopleUkraine deputies, heads of regional significance, RSA structural subdivisions, Chernihiv City Council, rectors of universities, representatives of the tourist industry and the public, the example of Chernigov, looking for new mechanisms of development of the tourism industry. Welcoming the participants, the Acting Head of Regional State administranistratsiyi Sergey Zhurman said: - The tourism industry has a special place in the economy of many countries. It attracts tourist area in its orbit, millions of people, promotes international exchange and human contact. According to the head of the field in recent years in Chernihiv was rebuilt many tourist sites. The first step indevelopment of international cooperation, signed an agreement on cooperation in tourism of the Republic of Belarus. - Unfortunately, due to misinformation about events in the country last year came to an area half the tourists - said Sergey Zhurman. - To solve the problem and provide the tourism industry, we have jointly with the authorities inykonavchoyi power turpidpryyemstvamy, Public identify concrete steps towards building a branch of tourism in Ukraine - Ukraine said MP, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Arthur Ward. He also noted that despite the difficult economic situation in the country, tourism should be developed, because it will give great financial nadhodzhent budget. Reform of the tourism industry in the country and told deputies of Ukraine, Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Anna Romanova. In particular, it introduced a new model of state tourism management, providing for the establishment of the National Council of Tourism under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, a single central bodyykonavchoyi authorities in the field of tourism, development of national tourism development program until 2020 and so on. In her view, for the effective use of tourism potential Chernihiv need to redirect the flow of tourists and resolve the issue of direct railway communication with other regions of the country. On the need to develop suchsegments, shopynh, conference tourism, medical, recreational tourism. Their experience and suggestions during the meeting shared experts and tourism business Chernigov. Territorial branding as a tool for regional development and strategic marketing m. Odessa said brand manager Chernigov Tatiana Boiko. Pidsumovuyuchy, elected officials assured that all voiced suggestions and comments will be finalized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and necessarily taken into account in the process of creating a new model of governance of the tourism industry. During his visit to Ukraine Chernigov MPs paid tribute to the victims of the Revolution of dignity, putting flowersand to the stele "Heavenly Hundred" in Red Square of our city. According to the Department of Information and Communication of the State Administration
