At Vinnytsia right to a dignified life and adequate support (+ photos)

Under the slogan September 15, the press center of the Department of Information and Communication of the State Administration Vinnytsia City Organization for Social Development of specific categories of vulnerable youth "Sprout" held press conference. As flooridomyla Elena Smirnova, information manager "germs" institution participated in the contest "Promoting NGOs for the World Day of palliative care" Palliative care for children "and received funding from ICF" Renaissance "in the implementation of the" right to a dignified life and adequate support " aimed at formingcommunity Vinnichiny humane and conscious relationship to terminally ill patients by creating for them the system of hospice and palliative care, easier access seriously ill people, especially children, to pain medication and educate the community Vinnichiny positive public attitude towards saving the lives of everyone. In his opening remarksand Chief Physician Vinnitsa Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS Igor Matkovskyi noted that today Ukraine is in the process creating a professional system of palliative and hospice care. There is an urgent need to speed up the process, as the number of patients in need of that help has been steadily increasing. The man who Mr.otrebuye palliative care, in no case should remain alone, without outside support. Not only medical but also psychological and spiritual, - says Igor Matkovskyi. First, physicians must take care of anesthesia, adjust the discomfort of the patient symptomatic treatment. "Palliative care deathpatients, designed to fill the most recent years, or life moments patient. Requires a very wide range of assistance, the very medicine itself or psychological support will be powerless, but together they are more effective. Society must understand this and to join the support of the people "- said in his speech, chief physician circuit cells Urbaninichnoyi hospital 3 Dmitry Fostakovskyy. According to him, in the City Clinical Hospital 3 in October this year scheduled to open palliative department, which will work on the European model and is designed for 24 beds. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
