Uzhgorod police detained a robber
previously convicted 39-year-old Uzhgorod district tried to steal money from the store cash register in the regional center. Post an attempt to commit a crime came to Uzhhorod Gorotdel police of 25-year-old vendor shop. Uzhhorodka said that an unknown man tried disclosedasti cash register with cash in the amount of about 2000 UAH. At the scene, left investigative team Gorotdel police. Guardians of the victim said that when the attacker entered the store, he behaved as usual buyer - approached the shelves and vydyvlyavsya product. And then went to the counter, pushed seller and namahaall steal money from the cash register apparatus ... But he failed. The robber was previously convicted 39-year-old s.Tarnivtsi, Uzhgorod district. This man repeatedly got the attention of law enforcement, has spent several years in prison for committing lucrative crimes. Details on this fact made in the Unified Dyestru pre-trial investigation opened criminal proceedings under Part 2 st.186 Criminal Code of Ukraine (robbery). The robber threatens imprisonment for a term of 4 to 6 years. Continues pre-trial investigation. Information Uzhhorod MB MIASource: