In Chernivtsi region GSO staff detained twice previously convicted thief

Recently a group detention Division State Security Service from another operator acted remote observation posts triggered alarm in one of the grocery stores of our city. Attire law enforcement officers immediately went to the place spratsyution. Arriving at the address provided to the police and asked the store salesman explained that the room unidentified man entered and stole a purse with utility room. Once he was spotted, sellers pressed the alarm and shut the door store, the latter began to run around the store with a knife and the rest of the eastovavsya in the basement. It was there, after examination basement police and took the underdog who hid under cardboard boxes. It appeared to be local, thirty years previously convicted resident of our city. The attacker was arrested and transferred employees investigative team the Shevchenko District Police Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionProcedure for making decisions. VDSO at MIA Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
