In the Lviv region three anglers caught through the ice
February 20 at 13:20 to the rescue was reported in the local lake g.Sambor 3 fans winter fishermen caught through the ice. How can ’ it turned out on the lake were 4 anglers, one of them left the lake on their own. But three of his friends fell through the ice. Rescuers immediately went Categoriesand place an emergency. Using ladders and ropes have been learned from under the ice fishers 2 1941 and was born in 1970. Victims Sambor city residents hospitalized with symptoms of hypothermia in the local district hospital. Unfortunately, the third fisherman could not be saved. Everyone should understand the danger lies in a ice. Especially now, whenwarming it flat out. Department DSNS Ukraine in Lviv region encourages citizens to be cautious and not go thin ice water.Source: