In the Zhytomyr region learned to fight corruption

on September 15th of July on the results of the meeting with national and international experts workshop was held within the framework of the NATO building integrity and building integrity and fighting corruption in defense sector of Ukraine. Seminar participants took Zhytomyr Military Institute ofso named after SP Korolev. Participation took representatives of the government and security forces. The seminar - raising awareness in the field of building integrity and providing opportunities to consider the potential inclusion (elements) Program Building Integrity in the curriculum of higher military educational institutions. Under this program,s like Benedict said Ms. Borel, representative of the political affairs and security policy staff - of NATO, experts want to provide the necessary tools to help fight corruption and ensure transparency not only in peacetime but also during special military operations. "Corruption - the largest totalRose in terms of inefficient use of resources and inefficient management system, "- said Borel. The project was 9 years old. After the decision of the National Security Council began work on various power structures in Ukraine. As part of the project carried out various activities related to the teaching of the subject as an economic discipline. The value of this railway projectTo determine the Zhytomyr military institute head Danyk Military Jury: "We are glad to cooperate with foreign counterparts. Trying to carry out the learning process best preparation specialists. A prevention of corruption and its opposition - a task the entire state. If our colleagues have received this experience and can share with us - then we willconsider at all the positive things that we offer. " Advisor staff Dawit Hunashvili described the rational use of resources and to overcome the problems of inefficient use of resources, and the head of the training center peacekeeping Hazim Hodzik cited corruption during military operations. This was reported in the housRSA omyrskiy
