In Vinnitsa region continues preparation for the new heating season (+ photos)

in the region and discussed the preparation of the Fuel and Energy Complex in the autumn-winter period 2015-2016r. Thus, on September 14 under the chairmanship of Deputy Governor Vasily brewers held a telephone conference, which discussed measures poklyCaen ensure stable holding in the region of the heating season. During the assembly, to which were invited the director of SB JSC "Vinnytsyaoblenergo", heads of districts and heads of energy enterprises speakers focused on the situation in Ukraine on the possible worsening of the energy balance due to the shortage of energy resources under PartAl passing the autumn-winter period 2015-2016 gg .. In addition, during the meeting a decision on the development and adoption of measures for reducing the burden of self in the morning and evening hours, and highs transfer mode of the night on a day to ensure that industrial output and population aboutoblast reliable electricity supply and prevent blackouts emergency. Following the conference call, chairmen of district state administrations and heads of executive committees and the heads of energy-intensive consumers of electricity was mandated to develop the autumn-winter period 2015-2016 gg. A set of additional measures to reduce self naventazhennya in peak hours, and JSC "Vinnytsyaoblenergo" fix them in appropriate protocols. Moreover submit PJSC "Vinnytsyaoblenergo" routing of the production process of the enterprise to process and develop measures to reduce the load in peak hours. Due to production process, Basil brewers noticedthe need to study the possibility of transferring work at night time to reduce peak power in peak hours and to provide the appropriate level of payments for consumed electricity. In turn, the head of the inspection Derzhenerhonahlyadu in Vinnytsia region Pirnyak VM in his speech said that the ways ofmenshennya load in peak hours UES of Ukraine for industry are: - Transfer of consumption on weekends and at night (the most effective). - Introduction of second and third shift (on one shift and two-shift enterprise); - Set mizhzminnyh breaks (at hours of maximum load power); - Introductionof different start time and end changes in various shops (particularly energy intensive); - The appointment of various holidays for different departments (especially energy intensive); - Redistribution in time (during the day) of certain energy-intensive processes; - Combining time-repair units large power consumers; - The use of energy-saving equipment and technology. Uchasnyky assembly decided to enhance systemic organizational and explanatory work among enterprises, organizations and population of cities and districts of the region on the need to reduce power consumption in the aforementioned time and adverse effects that may be in non-compliance with these guidelines and use emergency shutdown schedule ACTzhyvachiv electricity. Together with the heads of consumers and energy-intensive branches of PJSC "Vinnytsyaoblenergo" process tasks to reduce the consumption of electricity and electrical power during the day from 8 to 11 hours. and from 17 to 22 hours. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
