In Vinnitsa region detained in bribe Head of Service for Children Head

services for children Mogilev-Podolsk district administration for 12 thousand promised to resolve issues within its competence. State employee category 6 11 ranking for a fee helped local residents in neprovedeESI audit of the use of budgetary funds allocated for the children. September 14, 2015 officials were detained by the management of combating economic crime MIA of Ukraine in Vinnytsia region while receiving undue benefits in the amount of 12 thousand UAH. Cash seized from the scene. Previously, this fact Gravess-Podolsk inter-district Prosecutor Vinnytsia region opened criminal proceedings on the grounds of a criminal offense under Part. 3. 368 (Acceptance of offer, promise or receipt of improper benefits officer) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Offenders threatened punishment of imprisonment for a term of five to ten gokiv with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years with confiscation of property and with a special forfeiture. Currently, the question on the detention of offenders in the manner of Art. 208 Code of Ukraine and the message she suspected. Crime Combating Department in the economy of Ukraine MIA
