In Zhytomyr police caught the thief who stole about fifty bikes
probable involvement of 32-year-old zhytomyryanyna dvohkolisnykiv a number of thefts in the regional center established district inspectors of police in prevention activities. Later in the framework of criminal proceedings initiated in the home of the new moon was conducted sanctionsonovanyy search warrant and seized evidence of his criminal activities. According to information gathered by police found that the man acted within six months - with the onset of warm season. According to him, he was walking the streets and drew attention to bicycles left unattended. Locks that usually were fastened vehicles neutralizedspecial nippers, who always carried with him. Then dvokolisnyk sat on and rode away. During the preliminary investigation found that the moon collecting stolen bicycles at home, in the back room where rozukomplektovuvav for parts. Later they sold in local markets, but that failed to realize, cut into smaller piecesand rented items and scrap metal. During the sanctioned searches in the garage of his household were seized a significant amount of detail and a few bikes stolen but not yet dismantled dvokolisnykiv. - The man confessed to the crime, now we have managed to recreate the circumstances more than 45 burglaries committed by him - the head of a regionnd MB AMIA Michael Soroka. - Moon has previously held criminally liable for such offenses. Pre-trial investigation is continuing under Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Moon could face 3 to 6 years imprisonment. Also, police seized stolen owners set of things. RyeCF secular MIA Ukraine in Zhytomyr regionSource: