In Chernihiv region deblokuvaly three rescuers died and one suffered during the Sept. 11 accident

about 19 hours on the road Kyyiiv-Sumy-Yunakiyivka near the village. Lavirkove Talalaevsky The driver of "VAZ-2110" born in 1978 lost control and drove into the oncoming lane. As a result of collision with a car "VAZ-21099" Transprtnyy vehicle slid into a ditch and overturned. During the accident, the driver and two passengers born in 1978 and 1996 died on the spot. Another victim born in 1994 with injuries brigade ambulance taken to the district hospital. Romny Sumy region. For the emergency work and deblocking and terror victimsazhdaloyi department involved in the rescue of 5, 1 item of equipment 21 th State Fire and Rescue Talalaivka of the village and rescue department Interregional Center for Rapid Response DSNS Ukraine with m. Romny Sumy region. UDSNS in Chernihiv region
