In the Zhytomyr region in Novograd-Volyn police detained

mobile phone thief evening of September 10 to the city police department requested 26-year-old resident of the district center, a statement about the abduction of his apartment mobile phone. After examining the scene, interviewing the applicant and possible witnesses, police found that theftcould commit to do one of the friends of the owner. Later, they found that the criminal act committed 30-year-old local resident. He removed the alien mobile phone. Details of the event included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations ch. 3. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Current legislation in secret abduction of another's propertyand, coupled with the penetration of shelter, other premises or shelter punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years. Dear citizens! Do not forget the time to take care of the security of their property. Try to keep valuables out of the reach of unauthorized persons to places not invite unfamiliar people in their own home. Do not forget to close the door andwindow. Use modern technical tools that allow the effective defense of habitation from visiting unwanted guests. Choose the appropriate way to protect you and constantly use them. Press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
