In volynyanyna investigators seized "Subuteks"

Seized narcotic pills were sent for examination. Yesterday, September 10 around 20 pm officers of the criminal police sector Manevychi District Police Ukraine in Volyn region on the street in the village Manevichi 37-year-old local resident discovered and seized eight pills "Subuteksu." Sentinelsand established that in the past people have had problems with the law and held criminally liable for committing property crimes. In case opened criminal proceedings under part 1 of article 309 (illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or selling of narcotics, psychotropic substances or theiranalogues not for selling purposes) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A man facing imprisonment of up to three years. Remote sent to study in Research Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region. Continues pre-trial investigation. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
